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The Open Social Semantic Desktop Workshop - Nepomuk II

The second Nepomuk workshop will take place from November 6 to November 9 in Freiburg, Germany. Details will follow shortly.



The Sprint will take place in the conference room of the Gasthaus Hirschen. The room is booked from Friday, 10:00 to Sunday, open end.

This is the same building as the hotel which everyone will stay in.

There will be wired LAN (bring a network cable! The wireless is no good!) and drinks. You can order coffee and even stuff to eat from the restaurant.

From the train station there are three ways to get to the Hirschen:

  1. Take the Tramway 3 direction Vauban (the tramways depart from the bridge spanning over the tracks), exit at Paula-Modersohn-Platz and walk the rest of the way (about 10-15 minutes). A single ticket is €2.10 and can be bought from the driver or a vending machine in the tram.
  2. Take SBG-Bus 7208 direction Ehrenkirchen Gewerbegebiet. (The bus station can be accessed from track 1) Exit at Merzhausen Schule and cross the street to reach the hotel. The bus ticket is the same as the one for the tram and can be bought from the driver.
  3. Take a taxi. You can access the taxi stand from track 1. The taxi ride will cost about €12.


Name Email Affiliation Travel sponsoring Accommodation sponsoring Arrival date Departure date Share room?
Sebastian Trueg [email protected] Nepomuk no no always there always there
Alessandro Sivieri [email protected] Nepomuk Yes Yes 06/11 ~13.00 09/11 ~11.00 No
Frank Karlitschek [email protected] KDE / openDesktop.org Yes Yes 5.9. evening 8.9. evening
Leo Sauermann [email protected] OSCAF / DFKI / Gnowsis by DFKI by DFKI 6.11. ~noon 10.11. morning no
Stéphane Laurière [email protected] Mandriva by Mandriva by Mandriva
George Goldberg [email protected] Telepathy / KDE by Collabora by Collabora 6th afternoon/evening 8th afternoon no
Laura Dragan [email protected] Nepomuk / DERI no no 6 ~2pm 9 ~2am no
Frederik Gladhorn [email protected] KDE Yes Yes 5.11. evening 8.11. evening
Iridian Kiiskinen [email protected] Tracker Yes Yes 5.11. evening 9.11. morning


This agenda is just a rough idea. This is after all a KDE workshop and as such things will surely pan out differently. But still, having a guideline on what to do when is a good plan.

Friday, 06.11.2009:

  • 10:00 - 13:00 - General Nepomuk discussions and problems (until everyone arrives)
  • 13:00 - 15:00 - lunch
  • 15:00 - 16:00 - Presentations by Sebastian Trueg and Leo Sauermann on the problems at hand
  • 16:00 - 24:00 - discussions and hopefully already problem solving

Saturday, 07.11.2009:

  • 10:00 - 24:00 - discussion, coding, and so on on the problem of social semantic data. (we will also eat something at some point, don't you worry.)

Sunday, 08.11.2009:

  • 10:00 - 24:00 - Based on the success of Saturday mostly hacking on social aspects of Nepomuk and also other things.

Sub-topics to discuss

The following topics are not directly related to the main topic of the workshop. However, it makes sense to discuss them in smaller groups face-to-face.

  • Finish the first version of the NDO download ontology
  • Create desktop-ontologies package version 1 to be released with KDE 4.4
  • Evgeny Egorochkin: would like to discuss NIE-PIMO handover and logical containment/grouping relations with Leo, Sebastian and whoever else is interested
  • Handling of annotations by different people
  • Alessandro Sivieri: Smartsave status


once we are done, we need to document the decisions on www.oscaf.org and update the semdesk uri scheme RFC draft.

See also: Projects/Nepomuk/Sprints/2009/ScenarioExamples

URI Scheme

All URIs are created according to the following scheme:


  • <TYPE>: can be res or ctx for either resources or contexts. The type has been put in for possible future extensions and has no relevance at the moment.
  • <UUID>: Each URI is Nepomuk will have a Uuid in it and thus, be globally unique (at least we assume that is the case)
  • Cannot use official xmpp:/ URIs (RFC 4622) because it is taken and doesn't match our use case.

Sharing data

Data is shared by simply copying the named graphs containing the data in question with some slight changes:

  • file:/ URLs are converted into relative relfile:/ URLs and converted back on the other end
  • All nrl:GraphMetadata graphs will be enhanced with a nao:creator property pointing to the one global ME nco:PersonContact instance created by the Nepomuk system on first startup. The only exception: graphs that already carry a nao:creator. The latter means data imported from other desktops, i.e. data someone else shared with us.
  • For each value of nao:creator used as above a new graph of type nrl:MessageGraphMetadata will be constructed containing the minimal contact information for the sharing party. This mainly means the Jabber ID.
    • When importing shared data locally these new nrl:MessageGraphMetadata graphs replace any previously existing ones, thus automatically solving the problem of someone suddenly having a new jabber account for Nepomuk.

The ontology is described here on oscaf: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/oscaf/wiki/NSO