
Nepomuk serves as a cross application semantic storage backend. It aims at collecting data from various sources - file indexing, the web, applications, etc, and linking them all together to form a cohesive map of data.
To know more about Nepomuk from a user's point of view, head over to the Nepomuk page on UserBase.
Gettings Stared
Nepomuk is one of the core projects in KDE. It has a unique position of being an application framework, and interacting with a large number of applications.
If you're interested in Nepomuk development, you can checkout our junior jobs and tasks
Come talk to us -
Nepomuk Mailing List: [email protected]
IRC Channel: #nepomuk-kde on freenode
Meetings, Workshops
IRC Meeting Nepomuk Frameworks 29.08.2011 <br\> Nepomuk MetaContacts <br\> Removable Media Handling <br\> Nepomuk Web Extractor <br\> Metadata Sharing <br\> Fancy Bookmarking <br\> Data Writeback <br\> DataManagementService <br\> System Link Handling <br\>
Akademy 2012 - Constructive Criticism: Prioritizing Nepomuk development
2009 - Open Social Semantic Desktop Workshop Freiburg, Germany