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SoK/2024/StatusReport/Dhairya Majmudar

From KDE Community Wiki

Extend the embedded documentation for supported Computer Algebra Systems

Mentor: Alexander Semke

Project Abstract:

Cantor provides a graphical interface to multiple open-source computer algebra systems and programming languages. It is possible to download the documentation for some of the systems/languages from the KDE Store for easier and more direct search in the documentation from within Cantor. For this, the documentation that is usually available in HTML format is converted to Qt's help files (s.a. The Qt Help Framework) and is uploaded to KDE Store. At present very few documentation is available for download, along with that making different documentation look similar is also one of the main objectives of the project. A detailed proposal can be found here

Weekly Progress:

  1. Week 1-3:
    1. Started with the documentation of R programming language. R Docs test repo.
    2. Downloaded the HTML file from its official public repository.
    3. Created a style sheet consisting of several styles making R documentation a much better look to make it user-friendly and improving the learning experience. StyleSheet file
  2. Week 3-5
    1. Later on repeated similar process with the Maxima documentation.
    2. Maxima documentation being very large consisting of more than 350+ HTML files it was quite difficult and time-consuming to attach the stylesheet to each and every file manually Maxima Docs test repo
    3. Wrote Python scripts for automating the task of linking stylesheet file within the `<head></head>` section of every HTML file of documentation.
  3. Week 5-7:
    1. Took break due to university exams.
  4. Week 7-9:
    1. For the documentation of Qalculate the CSS stylesheet was adjusted so that it get similar to the documentation following the ideology of common styles for each and every programming language documentation.
    2. Made Qalculate docs to look like other converted programming language docs test repo. link Here
  5. Week 9-12:
    1. Wrote readme files of each documentation to suggest on how to add the common styles to each and every of them whenever an updation takes place in the documentation.
    2. Extending the Python scripts for Qalculate docs so that they get converted to QT file format while linking the stylesheet to each file. Merge Request link

Blog Posts

Blog Website Link: https://dhairya-blog.vercel.app


Matrix: @dhairya-majmudar:matrix.org

LinkedIn: Dhairya Majmudar

Twitter: majmudar777