Project Overview
GCompris offers many activities related to reading, maths, science and since it is free software, everyone can adapt it to one’s own needs, improve it and, most importantly, share it with children everywhere around the world.
My project aims to improve and implement multiple datasets design for several activities. The activities for which I would be implementing multiple datasets are
- Count the Items
- Balance the scales properly
- Balance the scales with kgs.
Milestones Achieved
Improved multiple datasets of clock game activity
The goal of this activity is to teach a child how to see the clock. Initially, this activity contains datasets only with two different levels selection. I have added the multiple datasets to this activity with 5 different level selections to better fit to the french school learning programs. I have also added a OK button for checking the answer.
Link to the commit:
Added multiple datasets to balance scale activity
This activity goal is to teach the child about the arithmetic calculation by balancing the scales of different weights. The balance scales activity has 3 sub activities as mentioned above:
- Balance scales.
- Balance scales with kgs.
- Balance scales with ounce.
I have added multiple datasets to all the three sub activities of balance scale.
Link to the commit:
Link to the Blogs
Link to the proposal
Link to proposal:
About me
- Name: Deepak Kumar
- Email: [email protected]
- IRC nickname: deepak_ / deepak-M
- Linkedln
- Portfolio