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SoK/2018/StatusReport/Amit Sagtani

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Finishing started activities in GCompris

Project Name: Finishing started activities in GCompris

A Brief Description: During the SoK period I have completed the port of the brain-boosting memory activity "Railroad".

  • Railroad is an activity in which child has to remember a given arrangement of wagons and a loco in limited time and re-create the same pattern. This activity helps in improving memorizing power.
  • This core part of this activity was implemented during previous SoK. My main aim was to complete the remaining part and add more functionalities, as described in my proposal.

Status of the project: Completed. Currently in the testing phase.

Mentors: Timothée Giet and Rudra Nil Basu

Overview Of Work Done:

1. Improved layout of the whole activity to adapt devices with different dimensions.

2. Created 10 levels with 3 sub-levels each based on increasing difficulty.

3. Added audio and sound effects.

4. Implemented keyboard navigations. Now whole activity can be controlled via keyboard and thus helps kids with motor-issues to play the activity with ease.

5. Created Ok button to submit the answer.

6. Code cleaning and refactoring.

Blog posts link: https://amitsagtani97.wordpress.com/


Phabricator task: https://phabricator.kde.org/T1519

Commits: https://cgit.kde.org/gcompris.git/log/?h=sok_iamutkarshtiwari_railroad&showmsg=1