Rekonq/Compiling rekonq

From KDE Community Wiki


Here's a guide to compiling rekonq from the Git repository.

NOTE : rekonq 0.5 and above requires KDE 4.4.0 and above for compiling correctly.

First of all we need to install the devel packages. Run the following command in a terminal:

On Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install build-essential kdelibs5-dev git-core

On openSUSE

sudo zypper in libkde4-devel git-core gcc gcc-c++ make cmake

On Fedora

as superuser,

yum install kdelibs-devel git gcc-c++ make cmake

Fetching the code

We will be using git, as the most recent code is available on the git repository. The kde project page for rekonq can be found here. Stable releases can also be downloaded here in form of tarballs.

Now we need to checkout the latest code. To do so, in a terminal run:

git clone git://

Compiling the code

Ok so now we have the code and the devel packages, all we need to do is compile it with the following commands in a terminal:

cd directory_where_rekonq_source_code_is
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
sudo make install