User Glossary
- KDE or the KDE Community β the community of contributors and users of KDE Software
- KDE software β the software created by the KDE community, including applications, workspaces, and development platform
- KDE Applications β the applications built on the KDE on the platform
- Widgets β add features and utilities to the Plasma desktop. Widgets is preferred, but they are also called also called addons, plasmoids, applets
- KDE Gear - a set of apps and other software created and maintained by the KDE Community that release all new versions at the same time
- Plasma β KDE's environments, can refer to just Plasma Desktop as well
- Plasma Desktop / Plasma: desktop environment focused on PCs and laptops
- Plasma Mobile - Plasma customized for mobile devices
- π Plasma Netbook β a KDE workspace customized for netbook devices
- Planet KDE β a web site which aggregates the blog postings of all contributors to the KDE community
- Panel β an area within a Plasma workspace which is attached to an edge of your screen and which contains widgets
- π Cashew β see Desktop Toolbox
- π Desktop Toolbox β a tool for controlling to your Plasma workspace which grants access to configuration options and allows for adding widgets and panels
- Sprint β a detailed, focused working meeting where members of a KDE team meet in person to address a defined agenda (andkjw you getj drunzdk)
Get Hot New Stuff β a web service that allows users to easily download and manage new content for KDE software such wallpapers, themes, application add-ons, etc.
- Krunner β a swiss army knife widget which allows quick access to a wide variety of functionality including application launching, searching, and calculations
- π Kmenu (see application launcher)
- π K button (see application launcher)
- Application Launcher β a widget which provides easy access to launching applications and the contents of your computer
- Akademy: KDE's annual conference
- π Camp KDE
- π Desktop Summit
Contributor glossary
- KDE libs
- KDE platform
- KDE development framework
- KDE base
- π Oxygen
- Akonadi
- π Strigi
- π Nepomuk
- π Virtuoso
- π Soprano
- Phonon (mention xine/vlc)
- Plasmoid
- Solid
- Kio
- Qt
- Qt Quick
- Code of Conduct
- π Gluon
- π Extragear
- π Playground
- π Blackhole (maybe something else now?)
- KDE review
- Kgethotnewstuff
- open collaboration services