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This document provides a brief overview of Kubuntu.

About Kubuntu

This document is an introduction to Kubuntu. It explains the Kubuntu project philosophy as well as its roots, and introduces the Kubuntu desktop.

Introduction to Kubuntu

Welcome to Kubuntu. Kubuntu is a user-friendly Linux-based operating system that use the KDE Plasma Desktop. With a predictable six-month release cycle as part of the Ubuntu project, Kubuntu is the Linux distribution for everyone. The entire Kubuntu team thanks you for choosing Kubuntu!

The Kubuntu Desktop

Kubuntu includes more than 1,000 default packages (applications or utilities) and has access to more than 64,000 other packages to suit your needs. Kubuntu is based on the Linux kernel, and includes the core Ubuntu applications as well as KDE software. Kubuntu's core applications include software for the most common needs like...

Browsing the web
Reading email
Office applications
Playing multimedia files

plus much more!

The Kubuntu Philosophy

The team beind the Ubuntu and Kubuntu projects makes the following commitments to our users:

- Kubuntu will always use the solid base of the Ubuntu project plus the latest from the KDE project. As part of the Ubuntu project and community, Kubuntu will continue to use the infrastructure and support that the Ubuntu project offers. We will strive to the best KDE-based Linux distribution available.

- Kubuntu will always be free of charge. There is no extra fee for an enterprise edition; we make our best work available to everyone on the same free terms.

- Kubuntu will always include the best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer, to make Kubuntu usable by as many people as possible.

- Kubuntu will always be committed to the principles of free software and open source development; we shall encourage people to use free and open source software, improve it, and pass it on.

What is Linux?

Linux is an operating system kernel that resembles the Unix operating system. The kernel is the main software required for any operating system, providing a communication bridge between hardware and software. Linux has become a leading element of the worldwide movement to embrace free and open source software. The term "GNU/Linux" is another way of referring to the Linux kernel; because the Linux Kernel was created with many components from the .

Find out more from these other links!

Linux Wiki
Linux website
Linux Kernel Releases

What is KDE?

KDE is an international technology community that creates and supports free software for desktop and portable computing. Among KDE's products are a modern desktop system for Linux and Unix platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware suites, as well as hundreds of software applications in various categories including internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, education, graphics, and software development. KDE software is translated into more then 65 languages and is built for ease of use with modern accessibility principles in mind. KDE's full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows, and Mac OS X. The KDE Workspace is the default desktop for Kubuntu.

Find out more from this link

KDE website


All of these are intended to appeal to different audiences, and are fundamentally different in some respects. The question of which desktop environment is best, is a subjective individual judgement. Users who are unsure are advised to try them all.

Switching Desktops

Ubuntu users may think that their favorite applications will not run under Kubuntu; this is not the case. Much work has been done to ensure compatibility between all of the projects. All applications will run under KDE, and vice versa.

While the KDE desktop is different from the others, all applications will be integated into the KDE menu system.

Users wanting to try Kubuntu may be concerned that KDE will become their only desktop once it is installed. This is not so. While there are good reasons for KDE to be the desktop of choice both desktops sessions types can be run after installing Kubuntu.

After installation, either Unity, GNOME, KDE, XFCE, or LXDE session types can be run, so users are free to try either, switching based on personal preference. The only noticeable difference is the artwork displayed before login.

To install Kubuntu's Plasma Desktop, the kubuntu-desktop package must be installed. To install Ubuntu's Unity desktop, the ubuntu-desktop package is required. And you can install GNOME, XFCE and LXDE by installing the gnome, xfce4 and lxde packages.

Look some more links!

XFCE website
LXDE website
GNOME website

Thank you

Welcome to Kubuntu, the 13.04 release (Raring Ringtail). Kubuntu is a user-friendly, Linux-based operating system that uses the KDE Plasma Desktop. With a predictable six-month release cycle as part of the Ubuntu project, Kubuntu is the Linux distribution for everyone. The entire Kubuntu team thanks you for choosing Kubuntu.