< Krita
This page list links to programs, resources or articles that inspire us when programming krita.
Free Software
- The Gimp The GNU Image Manipulation Program
- GSumi Simulation of brush or pen and ink drawing
- MyPaint A drawing program with programmable brushes in Python and GTK
- Gogh A drawing program for use with wacom pads
- Seam carving:,
Non-free Software
- Corel Painter (the descendant of Fractal Painter)
- DogWaffle
- e-Paint
- Smoothdraw
- Pixarra Sketchbook
- OpenCanvas
- An Architecture for "natural" brush types.
- A Gimp Brush Proposal -- never implemented, I guess, but interesting nonetheless.
- dAb Interactive Haptic Painting with 3D Virtual Brushes
- Virtual chinese brush
- Brush painting algorithms
- Perlin noise is ideal for creating clouds
GPU Programming
- GPGU : General-Purpose Computation Using Graphics Hardware
- OpenVIDIA : Parallel GPU Computer Vision]
- GPUFFTW High Performance Power-of-Two FFT Library using Graphics Processors
- The FFT on a GPU
Realistic painting
- Wet & Sticky -- dissertation by Tunde Cockshott on modelling wet paint.
- Physically based interactive painting -- dissertation by Bill Baxter.
- IMPaSTo - A realistic, Interactive Model for Paint
- Real-time Simulation of Watery Paint by Tom Van Laerhoven and Frank Van Reeth
- Introducing artistic tools in an interactive paint system by Tom Van Laerhoven, Koen Beets and Frank Van Reeth