Kexi/Plugins/Reports/Report hyperlinks
Design page for task: "Add support for displaying hyperlinks in reports".
- Started: Jstaniek October 2012
- Wish #308840
- Target: ?
It should be possible to display text fields as hyperlinks.
Note that future rich text support in text fields will support hyperlinks in a HTML way.
- add a "hyperlink data source" property aside of "text data source", so both can be obtained from the db
- the URL can be based on data from a data source, or
- the URL can be based on static text set in a hyperlink property
- by default the font should be underlined and somewhat blue-colored (default hyperlink style)
- this applies also to local paths
- honor the format changes though
- after generating a PDF or PS, the links should be clickable (assuming the URL is provided)
See also Forms button hyperlinks and Table hyperlinks.
Further work