Kexi/Meetings/Google Summer Of Code 2006: Paradox+HSQL access for Kexi
My name is Joseph Wenninger an I live Wiener Neustadt, Austria (Europe). I can be contacted by e-mail. I'm a of Electrical Engineering & Informationtechnology (Elektrotechnik&Informationstechnologien) at the University of Technology Vienna (technische Universitat Wien). I'm currently writing my master thesis there. Simultaneously I'm enrolled to a baccalaureate of computer science. To earn my living and finance my studies, I work as a tutor at university and as a freelance software developer.
My proposal for a GSOC project is for koffice/kexi, for which I have been one of the two initial developers before I dropped out of development. I'm used to working together with people all over the world, using English, although my native language is German.
I'm planning to write
- a data import for Paradox database files based on the GPL licensed pxlib and an external helper application (to avoid license issues) or perhaps an entirely new implementation based on the paradox file specification available through many sources on the net
- a data import for Base HSQL schemas and table data, and
- a backend driver that enables kexi to store its data in a HSQL database instead of an sqlite db directly.
Which means it stores schemas and data in the HSQL database, but still uses the kexi internal format for forms, queries, ... so they will still not work in OOo Base, but it will help further development into that direction.