Kexi/Junior Jobs/Design and perform Kexi-MS Access benchmarks
< Kexi | Junior Jobs
Status: UNASSIGNED, Difficulty: MEDIUM
Proposed and mentored by Jstaniek (talk) 16:10, 26 March 2014 (UTC)
The Goal
Document pros and cons of Kexi vs MS Access using performance/stability/resource consumption benchmarks.
See the rationale for Kexi-Libreoffice benchmarks.
The Task
The task is equivalent to the task of Kexi-Libreoffice benchmarks.
The task is requirements are equivalent to the requirements of Kexi-Libreoffice benchmarks, except:
- MS Windows 7 or newer should be used for benchmarking MS Access
- MS Access version 2007 or newer should be used
- .accdb format should be used for MS Access (file-based, without using MS SQL Server and without storing files on a network share)
- The same hardware should be used for the Kexi and MS Access test (otherwise comparison would not be meaningful).
- Both OSes should be either 32-bit or 64-bit.