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From KDE Community Wiki

This document outlines the desired featureset, coupled with possible timelines for development of the KFrab, a fork of the conference management web application Frab.


To take from the project readme: frab is a web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule.

The upstream frab project can be found at: https://github.com/frab/frab

The purpose of KFrab is to extend Frab into a management platform for Akademy and similar conferences. Albeit - any features should be written in such a way that they are suitable to be pushed upstream.

The decision has been made at a very early stage that a single installation of Frab should be capable to managing multiple conferences in isolation to each other.

Desired Featureset

  • Authentication - Handle multiple user types with an access control list. Ideally backed by LDAP.
  • Talk Types - Talk, Bofs, etc
  • Registration - Allow registration for an event. Registration questions should be
  • Merchandise - Pre-ordering of event merchandise
  • Attendee Profile - Each attendee can have a profile, possib
  • Generate Badges - Generate Badges that can be printed and given to attendees. Individualised for each attendee.
  • Checkin - Check in of attendees as they arrive at the confrerence. Possibly include scripts that can do this using a bar-code reader.
  • Feedback - Allow attendees to register feedback once a conference has been concluded.
  • Statistics - Generation of General Statistics
  • Talk slides & videos - Allow uploads for each event once and event has concluded.

Project Roadmap

The intention is that KFrab will develop any core functionality in line with Akademy 2013, to this end - any features should be scheduled with key milestones of this conference.

Call for Help!

Frab is written in Ruby, using the Rails Framework. Any and all volunteers who are interested should get in touch. This project should be considered a fledgeling and so it is still very early days.