< KDevelop
Ideas for Refactoring Tools
- make a piece of code (selection?) into a function, optimally by default taking all local variables used but not declared in that piece of code as arguments
// before: int main() { int a = 1; int b = 2; // select the a + b and run refactoring int c = a + b; }
// after: int sum(int a, int b) { return a + b; } int main() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = sum(a, b); }
- make selected expression into a local variable
// before: int main() { int a = 1; int b = 2; // select the a + b and run refactoring return a + b; }
// after: int main() { int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a + b; return c; }
- when changing something from heap to stack or vice versa, change all
the attribute access tokens between . and ->
- replace data types by auto in selected code (haha, some people aren't
going to like that)
- move implementation from/to header
- remove unused includes; sort includes; remove unused forward
declarations; replace includes in header by forward declarations if possible (is that detectable? I don't know)
- Move functions to other classes, including either updating all callers or
leaving the original variant as a forwarding function
- move functions up/down in the current class hierarchy (as a kind of
shortcut for the general move elsewhere)
- change function signatures, removing/adding arguments, changing their
type etc.
- Move nested classes to toplevel (i.e. class Foo { class Bar {}; };, move
Bar to a separate file)
- Extract a list of members of one class into a datastructure (i.e.
bundling logically close data into a ne strcture)
- Extract an interface from an existing class (i.e. create a base-class
with pure virtuals)
- Extract methods into a base-class
- Generate Getter/Setter's for members of a class
- When having written a class declaration that inherits from an interface
class automatically generate implementations for the pure virtual functions
- sort member functions and variables
- when using a variable name without declaring it first provide a means to
setup either a local or a member variable of the 'right' type (if possible to extract)
- same thing for functions including setting up the arguments and their