< KDEEdu | Sprint2012
KDE EDU on Plasma Active * How can we make sure we are a first citizen on the project? - Touch Friendly - Do not care too much on the toolkit - Prefer Qt - Prefer QML - Prefer Plasma Components + Package - Allow different resources (qml files, js, icons, etc) depending on the platform so you can fine tune for screen size, touch/nottouch, etc * Tablets in retail from MakePlayLive has "free points" as part of their buy, so they can go to "app store" and buy stuff * Do we really want to ask for "points" for the edu apps? - Who gets the money? - Discuss? * Tablets in retail from MakePlayLive will come with some "basic apps" that are free from scratch, devices that are useful after booting them * Will try to provide a way for free software apps saying "here's my git repo, build my app" * two developer stories for deploying onto the device - Pure QML (platform independent code) - Mer SDK (sebas says it's really easy) cross compiling * For local development you don't need any "extra" requirement, just the libs, make, etc * There should not be problems with packages with dependecies to libraries (like we had in ovi store for harmattan) - Apps can point to "non official" repositories in the "official" OBS server * Lots of plasma qml packages have boilerplate code to load kdeclarative, etc - Do something similar to plasmoidviewer - For apps that need a C++ bit you need can go "plugin" based * App store is working