Parley uses almost every tag that is parsed from the kvtml2 file. This is an exhaustive list of those tags.
- information.generator
- information.title
- information.author
- information.comment
- identifiers - 2 or more
- indentifier.name
- indentifier.locale
- identifier.comment
- indentifier.article
- indentifier.article.definite
- indentifier.article.indefinite
- indentifier.personalpronouns
- indentifier.personalpronouns.singular
- indentifier.personalpronouns.dual
- indentifier.personalpronouns.plural
- indentifier.personalpronouns.tense
- firstperson
- secondperson
- thirdpersonmale
- thirdpersonfemale
- thirdpersonneutralcommon
- tenses
- tense
- lessons
- wordtypes
- specialwordtype hardcoded as (noun|noun/male|noun/female|noun/neutral|verb|adjective|adverb)
- inpractice
- entry
- entries
- translation
- text
- comment
- pronunciation
- example
- paraphrase
- falsefriend
- antonym
- synonym
- multiplechoice
- image
- sound
- comparison
- absolute
- comparative
- superlative
- conjugation
- tense
- singular
- dual
- plural
- choice
- grade
- currentgrade
- count
- errorcount
- date
- containerentry is used indirectly via inheritence of lessons and wordtype so it is not a requirement