< Gluon
This page discusses branches in the Gluon repository and their state.
- cmake-cleanup: Cleanup of Gluon's cmake files, currently outdated
- eigen: Port Gluon to use Eigen 3 for vectors and matrices. (fxrh)
- particles: Branch implementing particle systems in graphics Needs updating to the new graphics API.
- engine-statesave-vsrao: GSoC 2012 project of vsrao, implements save/load functionality.
- engine-physicscollisions-gani: GSoC 2012 project of gani, implements bullet-based physics components.
- creator-qmlintro-shreya: Part of GSoC 2012 project of shreya, implements an introduction to Creator in QML.
- creator-welcomedialog-shreya: Part of GSoC 2012 project of shreya, implements a welcome dialog to be used in creator.
- creator-contextlayout-shreya: Part of GSoC 2012 project of shreya, various fixes to make the Creator UI more unified.
- creator-distributionsupport-shreya - Part of GSoC 2012 project of shreya, improves the distribution UI in Creator.