Calligra/Text Layout
< Calligra
I thought I'd try to write some stuff up as I learn more about the text layout code. It's just a stub for now.
Text layout code in KOffice can be found in four different places:
- Qt Scribe
- QTextDocument
- QTextLine
- QTextLayout
- Et.c.
- KoText library
- Code in libs/kotext/KoTextDocumentLayout.cpp.
- Simple document layout.
- Used by many KOffice apps.
- Implements the QAbstractTextDocumentLayout interface from Qt.
- Works with an underlying QTextDocument.
- Depends on the text plugin for core work.
- KWord's layouter
- Code in kword/part/frames/KWTextDocumentLayout.cpp.
- More advanced document layout
- Inherits the basic document layout in KoText.
- Depends on the text plugin for core work.
- Allows text to run around shapes.
- Allows anchored shapes.
- Text plugin
- Code in plugins/textshape/Layout.cpp.
- Implements the KoTextDocumentLayout::LayoutState interface.
- Does a lot of grunt layout work.