Calligra/Meetings/November 2008 meeting
KOffice meeting for developers and promo. 8th + 9th of November 2008 (details)
Technical Track
UI Aspect
- Templates. I'd like to see what different people think about the templates we have now and how we can leverage the template system to make people avoid the custom-document route as much as possible. (Thomas)
- Dockers; we should all make them be wide and not very tall. Leveraging widescreens and allowing loads of them on the right side. (Thomas)
- Shape default tool:
- What to use to modify option, dockers and tool ?
- Which dockers are visible
- image shape, how to insert an image ?
- Toolbox, visible tools ? Mostly in krita
- Write docker UI guideline
- Release Critical bugs and application status: define a final release plan (Cyrille)
- Get a 1.6.4 out and be taught how to do so :) (dipesh)
Marketing Track
- The overall position of KOffice (ingwa)
- Target users of KOffice in the short and long term
- Strength and weaknesses of KOffice -- 2.0 and onwards
- Relation KOffice <--> KDE
- Relation Koffice <-->
- Main message of the release announcement
- website (Cyrille)
- PR texts (Alexandra)
- developer/community lifestream (Alexandra)
- reorganization of documentation -> mark for move to userbase or techbase (Alexandra)
- Community building (users, integrators, developers, artists)