Calligra/Meetings/New Year 2016 Words Sprint/Agenda

From KDE Community Wiki

Below follows a suggested agenda for the sprint. It's free for anybody to put new items below. The actual contents and order for the agenda will be decided at the sprint. Please also indicate who is behind a certain suggestion. If you are interested in something that has already been proposed and want to add your opinion, then add your name to the list.


Presentations of things interesting to Words/text handling community. Please state targeted audience.

"Developer friendly XML in C++" by Jos (or watch it at

"Add your presentation here"


Discussions about topics, which are relevant to all or a sub group of people. Please state audience and desired result of the discussion.

Missions of Author, Words, Gemini & Co.

There are currently three Calligra editor apps for flowtext-centric documents. What are the missions, goals and states? Future of Author? What other niches are there to fill? Why do developers write structured texts only in plaintext editors? Why is software documentation not written with Calligra? Where do we use our apps? Where would we like to use them?

Format-I/O testing framework

How to restore mass import/export/roundtrip testing? When, where and how to run? How to use by developers? Structured approaches to testing single document concept features with detailed report (cmp. e.g. ODFAutoTests, but also covering working memory model) Integration/collaboration with upcoming ODFAutoTests server.

Change tracking

Plans, usecases, state

KDE and Calligra in ODF TC

"Add your topic here"


Projects we'll work on in small groups, mostly coding or creating other concrete results.

Documenting text handling architecture

  • create documention for KoTextLayout (architecture & concepts, TODOs)
  • update documentation of KoText
  • create introduction with list of text objects and structure concepts, how they are implemented and why that way
    e,g. how bookmarks or variables are done

Roadmap for implementing more text features

  • collect wanted text structure/element concepts
  • draft implementation approaches
  • create tasks on phabricator to track development

Redesign of UX/UI for references (links & bibliography)

  • define usecases where internal & external links and bibliography are used
  • collect set of features to be done
  • prepare cooperation with VDG for implementation

Add your project here