Applications/15.08 Release Notes
New tarballs:
* akonadi * akonadi-calendar * akonadi-search * baloo-widgets * dolphin (splitted from kde-baseapps) * gpgmepp * kalarmcal * kblog * kcalcore * kcalutils * kcontacts * kdebugsettings * kholidays * kidentitymanagement * kimap * kio-extras (moved from Plasma) * kldap * kmailtransport * kmbox * kmime * kontactinterface * kpimtextedit * kross-interpreters * ktnef * syndication
KF5 based tarballs:
* akonadi [NEW] * akonadi-calendar [NEW] * akonadi-search [NEW] * analitza * ark [NEW] * baloo-widgets [NEW] * blinken * bomber * bovo * cantor * dolphin [NEW] * dolphin-plugins [NEW] * dragon [NEW] * filelight * gpgmepp [NEW] * granatier * gwenview * kaccounts-integration * kaccounts-providers * kalarmcal [NEW] * kalgebra * kanagram * kapman * kapptemplate * kate * katomic * kblackbox * kblocks * kblog [NEW] * kbounce * kbreakout * kbruch * kcalc * kcalcore [NEW] * kcalutils [NEW] * kcharselect * kcontacts [NEW] * kcron * kdebugsettings [NEW] * kdenlive * kdepim [NEW] * kdepim-runtime [NEW] * kdepimlibs [NEW] * kdiamond * kfourinline * kgeography * khangman * kholidays [NEW] * kidentitymanagement [NEW] * kig * killbots * kimap [NEW] * kio-extras * kiriki [NEW] * kiten * kjumpingcube * kldap [NEW] * klettres * klines * kmailtransport [NEW] * kmbox [NEW] * kmime [NEW] * kmines * kmplot * knetwalk * kollision * kompare * konsole * kontactinterface [NEW] * kpat * kpimtextedit [NEW] * kross-interpreters [NEW] * kruler * kshisen * ksquares * kstars * kteatime * ktimer * ktnef [NEW] * ktp-accounts-kcm * ktp-approver * ktp-auth-handler * ktp-common-internals * ktp-contact-list * ktp-contact-runner * ktp-desktop-applets * ktp-filetransfer-handler * ktp-kded-module * ktp-send-file * ktp-text-ui * kturtle * kwalletmanager [NEW] * kwordquiz * libkdegames * libkeduvocdocument * libkmahjongg * libkomparediff2 * lokalize * marble [NEW] * okteta * parley * picmi [NEW] * print-manager * rocs * signon-kwallet-extension * step * syndication [NEW]
Not part of this release
* kdelibs, kde-workspace are in LTS. Will come back as simultaneous releases for non beta releases * oxygen-icons, nepomuk-core, nepomuk-widgets, smokegen, smokeqt, smokekde, qyoto, kimono, pykde4, qtruby, korundum, perlqt, perlkde, kdeplasma-addons are Done. Use them from their last release
l10n packages contain all the lastest 4.x based translations even if not released + KF5 based apps
kdeplasma-addons may conflict with kdeplasma-addons5 translations, you'll have to split it but wanted to make the translations easily available
libkdegames and libkmahjongg are coinstallable with their kdelibs4-based counterparts, which is needed since not all games have been ported to KF5