Want to make the Amarok context menu look sexy? Well, using the new CSS styles, you're now able to do that!
Setting your CSS style in Amarok
- Open "Configure Amarok":
- Settings->Configure Amarok... in the menu bar, or
- Menu->Configure Amarok...
- Select "Appearance" on the left hand side, then, under "Context Browser Style", you can choose an existing style or install a new one.
Dissecting the Style Sheet
Styles to Note
- body {} : Context Side Bar Background (Appears in Music, Lyrics, and Artist Tabs)
- a {}: Generic Links
- .button : Button for the lyrics box, and probably various others. For example, for a song without lyrics, it gives you "add lyrics".
Context Specific Styles
Here, you'll find styles that deal with a particular item within the Context Side Bar. Generic StylesBox Styles .box {} .box:hover {} .box-body {} .box-header {} MUSIC Context TabThese CSS Identifiers apply to the objects within the Music Context Bar." Current InformationThis is the top box that appears when music is playing. Top Box #current_box {} #current_box-body { } #current_box-header { } #current_box-header-album { } #current_box-header-artist { } #current_box-header-nav { } #current_box-header-prettytitle { } #current_box-header-separator { } #current_box-header-songname { } #current_box-header-stream { } #current_box-information-td { } #current_box-largecover-a { } #current_box-largecover-image { } #current_box-largecover-td { } #current_box-table { } Music Brainz #musicbrainz-a { } #musicbrainz-div { } #musicbrainz-image { } Favorites BoxThis is the middle box that appears when music is playing. Middle Box #favorites_box-body { } #favoritesby-header { } #favoritesby_box {} #favoritesby_box-header-title { } Song Links .song a { } .song a:hover { } Stats Box .statsBox { } .sbtext { } .sbouter { } .sbinner { } Albums BoxThese styles apply to the boxes heading "Albums by...", "Your Newest Albums" and "Favorite Albums" Bottom Box #albums_box {} #albums_box-body { } same as .album-body #albums_box-header { } same as .album-header #albums_box-header-title { } .album-body {} album song list container .album-header {} collapsible album bar container Collapsible Album bar .album-image {} Album PICTURE .album-info {} Number of TRACKS in Album .album-title { } Album TITLE .album-length {} Album PLAY TIME .album-year { } Album YEAR Album Songs .album-song {} Song ROW .album-song-trackno { } Song TRACK NUMBER .album-song-title { } Song TITLE .album-song-time { } Song TIME LYRICS Context TabLyrics Box #lyrics_box {} #lyrics_box-body { } #lyrics_box-header { } #lyrics_box-header-title { } .button {} ARTIST Context TabWiki Box #wiki_box { } #wiki_box-body { } #wiki_box-header { } #wiki_box-header-title { } |
Known CSS identifiers in Amarok (status: 1.4)
Classes used:.album-body { } .album-header { } .album-image { } .album-info { } .album-length { } .album-song { } .album-song-time { } .album-song-title { } .album-song-trackno { } .album-title { } .album-year { } .box { } .box-body { } .box-header { } .box-header-nav { } .box-header-prettytitle { } .box-header-title { } .box-row { } .button { } .disc-separator { } .info { } .ratingBox { } .ratingStar { } .sbinner { } .sbouter { } .sbtext { } .scoreBox { } .song { } .song-separator { } .statsBox { } Amarok SVN/Amarok 1.4.5 The following classes are used in the tag editor .label { } .size1 { } .size2 { } .size3 { } .size4 { } .size5 { } .size6 { } .size7 { } .size8 { } .size9 { } .size10 { } |
ID's Used:#albums_box { } #albums_box-body { } #albums_box-header { } #albums_box-header-title { } #artist-back-a { } #artist-google { } #artist-wikipedia { } #building_box { } #building_box-body { } #building_box-header { } #building_box-header-title { } #context { } #cue_box { } #cue_box-body { } #cue_box-header { } #cue_box-header-title { } #current_box { } #current_box-body { } #current_box-header { } #current_box-header-album { } #current_box-header-artist { } #current_box-header-nav { } #current_box-header-prettytitle { } #current_box-header-separator { } #current_box-header-songname { } #current_box-header-stream { } #current_box-information-td { } #current_box-largecover-a { } #current_box-largecover-image { } #current_box-largecover-td { } #current_box-table { } #favorites_box-body { } #favoritesby-header { } #favoritesby_box { } #favoritesby_box-header-title { } #introduction_box { } #introduction_box-body { } #introduction_box-header { } #introduction_box-header-title { } #least_box { } #least_box-body { } #least_box-header { } #least_box-header-title { } #lyrics_box { } #lyrics_box-body { } #lyrics_box-header { } #lyrics_box-header-title { } #musicbrainz-a { } #musicbrainz-div { } #musicbrainz-image { } #notindb_box { } #notindb_box-body { } #notindb_box-header { } #notindb_box-header-title { } #related_box { } #related_box-header { } #related_box-header-title { } #stream-history_box { } #stream-history_box-body { } #stream-history_box-header { } #suggested_box { } #suggested_box-header { } #suggested_box-header-title { } #wiki_box { } #wiki_box-body { } #wiki_box-header { } #wiki_box-header-title { } |