Akademy Tools
Existing Infrastructure
Akademy Website
The primary website used to promote Akademy and signpost information for Attendees.
- Built using Drupal, there are a set of re-useable components that we employ year-to-year.
Wiki Pages
Various Wiki pages that we use during an event to pass along information to attendees and volunteers.
An integration of Frab, https://github.com/frab/frab, lightly modified to support LDAP authentication provided by identity.kde.org.
- Call for Papers workflow management
- Schedule Publishing
- Exposes a set of API endpoints, listing talks, speaker and schedule information that we can use for planning and video recording.
A custom PHP application for event registrations. Retains profile information between various KDE events and supports custom questions for individual events.
- Provides statistical information to organising team
- Allows us to compare year-to-year statistics in an anonymised fashion.
- Exposes a set of API endpoints that we use for badge scanning and live metrics events.
An integration of the Fosdem Volunteer Management System, https://github.com/jrial/fosdem-volunteers. Again, we have modified this application to support LDAP authentication provided by identity.kde.org.
Badge Generation Tooling
A set of scripts that will generate PDFs for each attendee, utilising an API endpoint on events.kde.org.