An event for women and their friends
Every year Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated. This date refers to the great Ada Byron, born in England in the nineteenth-century. Ada, for those who do not already know her, was a self-taught mathematician responsible for creating the first computer program ever known in the world: algorithms for calculations used in the analytical engine of Charles Babbage. She entered the history of computing as being the first computer programmer. This date that serves to celebrate the achievements of Ada is also used to discover and encourage other Adas around the world to engage with technology and science.
When and How
This year, Ada Lovelace Day will take place on October 16th and KDE will celebrate this date by promoting some activities to integrate more people, especially women, into our community. The idea is to have tutorials on IRC (#kde-tutorials on freenode) - or Google Hangout (details will be announced later) on some KDE tools and how to get involved with the community.
- What is it?
- If you don't have any IRC client installed or you can not install one, you can access IRC in your browser:
- You don't have any experience using IRC? No worries, it is easy. You can try this tutorial.
KDE community really cares about you
Let's invite everyone: friends and family, boyfriend and girlfriend to celebrate with us!
Check out our schedule (in UTC time) below. Each session will last approximately 1 hour.
- 14:00 | [[Getinvolved/Quality/Tutorial | KDE Testing - how to become a tester].]
Coach: Myriam Myriam used to work as a pharmacist and medical translator for 25+ years and now spends her time between triaging bugs, testing software and grooming cats.
- 15:30 | LaTeX with Kile.
Coach: Melissa Melissa is a math girl, a KDE user since 1999, and a professor at UFSC, a university in southern Brazil. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of LaTeX, a powerful tool for producing professional looking documents, and how to use Kile.
- 17:00 | An easy way to start in KDE - write a Plasmoid in QML.
Coach: Camila Ayres Camila is a Programer, KDE Person and housewife. With this tutorial you are going to learn about QML and Plasma widgets and how easy it is to get into the KDE world.
* QML Tutorial in PDF: QMLforAdaLovelaceDay.pdf - version 0.1alpha3.
- 18:30 | Ask your question about getting involved in KDE
Coaches: Lydia and Frederik Lydia is on the board of KDE e.V. and generally likes to help people make awesome happen. Frederik is working on accessibility in KDE and Qt. They are going to answer all the questions you have about getting involved in KDE.
Doubts? More information?
Talk to us in the IRC channel #kde-women. We will be happy to help you. Remember: there is no stupid question.