This page documents current status for compatibility of KEXI 3 with earlier versions of KEXI.
KEXI 2 -> KEXI 3. KEXI 3 offers the same list of features as KEXI 2 and uses the same format for .kexi files and supports server projects (MySQL, PostgreSQL) with the following exceptions:
- No scripting. In KEXI 2 scripting was offered as experimental. We plan to deliver brand new Python based scripting in the future.
- No "map" report elements. Supported again since KEXI 3.2. Some behaviors may be different due to a new version of the map component.
- No "map" form widgets.
KEXI 1 -> KEXI 3. Support for server projects other than MySQL and PostgreSQL are discontinued. In KEXI 1 there were more servers supported (albeit marked as experimental). KEXI 1 used SQLite backend version 2 while KEXI 2 moved to SQLite version 3, incompatible with version 2. Migration tools to the new version have been released.
KEXI 1 -> KEXI 2.2. Please refer to the list here [1].
KEXI 1 vs commercialy supported versions. KEXI 1 was also available as commercially supported versions such as "Kexi 2007". These versions offered potential differences however used the same file format.