Kexi/Plugins/Tables/Table View Row Height And Column Width Dialogs
Design document for KEXI Issue #??
Original Creation date: 2004-12-09
User can adjust table view's rows height or column width using mouse pointer dragging. For convenience and precision sizes can be entered using dialogs.
Row Height Setting Dialog
Class name: KexiTableViewRowHeightDialog
Column Width Setting Dialog
Class name: KexiTableViewColumnWidthDialog
Implementation Notes
- inherit KDialogBase
- buttons should be at the bottom, not @ left
- use QDoubleSpinBox (two digits) for the value input
- add units label "cm" after the value input (TODO: later we'll set current unit (inch, point, etc.) here
- disable value input when "Standard xxxx" checkbox is checked
- add: double value() const method for getting value from the dialog