SoK/2023/StatusReport/Nitin Tejuja
Measurement of energy consumption with Selenium
Project Type: Coding
Introduction and Abstract: In this project, we are setting up Selenium using Selenium AT-SPI and replicating an existing unit test written with KdeEcoTest to test the educational software suite GCompris, which provides a number of activities for children aged 2 to 10. By measuring then comparing the energy needed by KdeEcoTest and Selenium we will be able to decide if and how we can use Selenium to run energy consumption scenarios. Selenium AT-SPI for QT is still in an early stage but it is relevant to KDE as a unit testing tool and could become a great tool for energy consumption measurement. In this project, I will be writing guide for installation of selenium-webdriver-at-spi and GCompris application scripts using selenium-webdriver-at-spi. The aim is to provide assistance to developers to create their own KDE application tests, either as a system testing tool or a energy measurement tool.
Mentors: Emmanuel Charruau, Harald Sitter
Blog Posts:
Season of KDE 2023 With KDE Eco: Setting Up Selenium For Energy Consumption Measurements
Season of KDE 2023 With KDE Eco: Writing Scripts in Selenium to Reproduce KdeEcoTest Script (IN PROGRESS)
Weekly Progress
WEEK 1 - 2 : For the first two weeks, I was working on understanding `KdeEcoTest` and exploring `selenium-webdriver-at-spi` before writing the unit test scripts. In the first week, I set up GCompris and explored the application's activities.In next week, I started writing unit test scripts using selenium-webdriver-at-spi and written an installation guide of selenium-webdriver-at-spi. I wrote about my experience and findings in the first two weeks on the blog post [1]
WEEK 3 - 4 : In these weeks, I learnt to write scripts for GCompris application activities in python using selenium-at-spi. I wrote a script for baby_keyboard activity and added accessiblity code to activity QML elements. I have also replicated the one behaviour of KdeEcoTestScript.
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