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KDE PIM/KItinerary/PKP Barcode

From KDE Community Wiki

PKP Intercity

General Observations

  • Basically a UIC 918.3 container with an U_TLAY/RCT2 payload
  • UIC 918.3 version is set to "2", but format matches version 1
  • UIC company code is set to "0004" (not assigned), rather than any of the PKP UIC codes
  • U_TLAY payload claims to be in RCT2 format, but is not
  • U_TLAY field sizes are 0
  • Layout seems to be 43 single-element rows instead of the RCT2 mandated layout


Row Format Meaning Notes
2 string ticket title/name
4 int ? tariff related?
5 int or 'X' ? tariff related?
7 empty or number ? tariff related?
8 fixed string ? '%'
9 string or empty ? tariff name?
10 hh:mm departure time
11 dd.MM departure date
12 int ? some form of station code?
13 int ? see row 12
14 hh:mm arrival time
15 dd.MM arrival date
16 int class '1' or '2'
18 number? train number number only, no product class prefix
20 int ? ?
23 string reserved seats
24 int distance in km
26 int price x100
27 int ? 0 in all samples
28 int price x100, same as row 26 in all samples
31 number reference number
35 number ticket number
41 string departure station name
42 string arrival station name