SoK/2021/StatusReport/Anubhav Choudhary
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Calamares Mini-Projects Completion + Issue Resolution
Calamares, in the initial period of Season OF KDE came up with a number of tasks and issues to be solved/completed. My task is to complete/implement as many tasks as possible. Some of them are :
- Back and Next buttons hide during installation
- Sending installation log files to
- Option for skipping bootloader installation
- Schema file for shell process
- Schema file for netinstall
Adriaan De Groot
Project Status
These are some of of the PRs which I submitted during my SoK coding period :
- Navigation buttons hidability during installation : MERGED
- Implementing LogUpload functionality from branding : MERGED
- Skipping bootloader fix : SUBMITTED
- Implementing shell process schema : benne-dee (SoK 2021 student) covers this.
- Implementing netinstall schema : benne-dee (SoK 2021 student) covers this.
- LogUpload sizeLimit from branding : SUBMITTED
What I have learned till now
Due to wide range of issues, there are quite some things which I am learning/honing
- Some QT libraries
- Core C++ concepts (especially lambdas and templates)
- Bootloaders, File Systems, partition table etc
- Testing with QT
If you want to make any suggestions please do contact me.
Anubhav Choudhary (deprov447)
Email :- [email protected] Matrix :- Telegram :- @deprov447