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KTp/Events/Meeting 11 01 31

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Revision as of 15:55, 25 January 2011 by D ed (talk | contribs)

The meeting will start 9pm (GMT) on the 31st Jan 2011.

My proposed agenda to be discussed is:

Feel free to add items.

1) Breakdown of the current state of each component, and what they are waiting on
  1.1) Accounts KCM
  1.2) The plasmoid
  1.3) The KDE library
  1.4) Contact List
  1.5) Text handler
  1.6) QtGstreamer
  1.7) Call UI
  1.8) The approver
2) Review of the 'nearly complete' components.
3) News on DBus Tubes (hopefully!) 
4) D_Ed's test tool
5) Precisely what is in the KDE Tp library, and how it works.
6) GSOC 2011 - do we have any ideas
7) Task assignments
8) Status of bugzilla reports
9) AOB