Telegram is a real-time chat program, similar to instant messages and IRC. Telegram offers a mobile, desktop and web client. You can install the Telegram desktop client using the KDE Discover Software Store or using the command line, which differs based on which GNU/Linux distribution you're using:
- Arch/Antergos/Manjaro: sudo pacman -S telegram-desktop
- Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu/KDE Neon: sudo apt install telegram-desktop
- Fedora: sudo dnf install telegram-desktop
- Gentoo: sudo emerge telegram-desktop-bin
- openSUSE: sudo zypper install telegram-desktop
- Flatpak: flatpak install flathub org.telegram.desktop
Telegram Channels
- KDE Announcements (no activity since 2016)
- KDE Sysadmin News (no activity since 2018)
- Planet KDE
- In Spanish - En español
- Kdeblog es un blog sobre el Software Libre centrado en la Comunidad KDE
Telegram Groups
- KDE Plasma users group
- KDE-Soc for all GSoC, GCi and SoK students, mentors, mentees and admins
- KDevelop Development
- Atelier - The KDE printer host for 3DPrinting (invitation doesn't work)
- Kontact: @KDE-Kontact or
- KDE Connect
- Plasma Mobile
- KDE Web
KDE Promo
- Main KDE Promo group for contributors, bridged to the #kde-promo IRC channel
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Galician: Proxecto Trasno (no link due to spam)
- Russian
WikiToLearn has its list of channels/groups here.
- Kubuntu
- Kubuntu News (doesn't exist)
- Kubuntu Support. Ask to be invited to other channels. (Kubuntu Cafe)
- Kubuntu support
- Kubuntu en Español (in Spanish - en Español)
- KDE neon
- KDE Neon
- KDE neon ES (in Spanish - en Español)
- Chakra (doesn't exist)
- KDE-Brasil - Brazilian KDE community
- KDE in Greek (group not found)
- KDE Russia - Russian KDE community - российское сообщество
- KDE in Spanish - en Español