IUP ISI/MediaWiki-Silk/Scrum notes/2011-01-20
Scrum meeting of the 20/01/2011
Work done since the last Scrum meeting
- Refactor of the following class constructor
(queryInfo, queryRevision, login, infoGeneral, Edit, queryImages)
- Refactor of the following class results
(queryInfo, queryRevision, infoGeneral(initiate), Edit, queryImages, infoUserGroups)
- peer programming
- add protected construct to Job class
- End refactor Logout class
Encountered difficulties
- C++ knowledges
- Host difficulty (Icescrum)
- No response from the Digikam community
Work to do until the next Scrum meeting
- Find anything to do
- end infoGeneral refactor
- end imageInfo refactor
- end infoUserGroups construct
- investigate upload class