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Template:Proposed move to community


The KDE Project suggests using Oxygen (preferred - installed by default on leading KDE distros [1]), Lato (www.latofonts.com/) or Cantarell (abattis.org/cantarell/) typefaces for all printed and screen material. These should be used instead of Bitstream Vera Sans Bold (www.bitstream.com/categories/products/fonts/vera/index.html), which was previously recommended. These are free and open fonts with licenses that are appropriate for KDE materials.

Headlines are either: black; or white on a blue or black background. Sublines and lead-ins can be black on white backgrounds. Copy is always black.

[1] Oxygen font download

KDE Logo Font and KDE-EDU

In general the Kabel-Font may only be used uppercase. It may only be used for the term "KDE" itself and related to topics like KDE-EDU, kids and games.

A free look-alike called "Kabel Book" by A. Carr is available at:


Additionally, many Font Companies offer a Kabel font family commercially.

  • Kabel is a trademark of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions, exclusively licensed through Linotype Library GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG.
  • Bitstream Inc. announces long-term agreement to bring high quality fonts to free software:
"The donation of these fonts to the free software community is the final piece that will give full functionality to projects like Freetype, XFT2 and X Render extensions in the Xfree86 project, Pango, KDE and Trolltech's QT Rendering,"

Incorrect use of typography

The incorrect use of typography creates confusion and undermines confidence in the brand.