Improving the reliability and usability of KStars
Brief explanation: KStars has a mature codebase with well-written C++ for a desktop and a mobile client. The applicant would like to contribute enhancements by improving the sources (C++11/C++14 features, static code analysis, better testing in CI) and adding usability improvements to the desktop and the mobile version of KStars.
Expected results: After the GSOC, all findings of the static code analyzers will be fixed, the C++ tooling will be integrated to Jenkins in KDE CI. The desktop version of KStars will have usability improvements, the build system (CMake) of the Android client will be enhanced and the new functionalities for telescope equipment control will be implemented.
May 14, 2017 - June 10, 2018
Progress of the planned items:
1. Analyze KStars codebase with Coverity and fix new problems
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Fix Coverity findings
2. Analyze KStars codebase with Clang Static Analyzer and fix new problems
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Fix the Clang Static Analyzer findings
3. Analyze KStars codebase with Clang Tidy and fix new problems
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Update Clang Tidy script to Clang 6.0 and fix some findings
4. Analyze KStars codebase with Clazy and fix new problems
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Clazy fixes
5. Analyze KStars codebase with Cppcheck Static Analyzer and fix new problems
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Fix cppcheck findings
6. Analyze KStars codebase with Krazy and fix new problems
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Krazy fixes
7. Replace C-like enums with C++11 enum classes
Reason: The mentor found too much work after these changes.
8. Refactor codes to modern C++11/C++14 what I get in touch while fixing bugs.
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Remove redundant returns
Modernize for cycles
June 11, 2017 - July 8, 2018
Progress of the planned items:
1. Separate the KStars Lite and KStars targets in the CMake files
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Separate the KStars Lite and KStars targets in the CMake files
2. Use the official NDK toolchain file for the Android build
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Update the Android build to the latest NDK version and official tools, remove hacks
3. Adapt the Android build to the new Android NDK and SDK tools
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Update the Android build to the latest NDK version and official tools, remove hacks
4. Remove custom sky objects from the local database via context menu in KStars.
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Remove custom sky objects via context menu
5. Add touch support to KStars (pinch for zoom, open context menu).
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Add touch support to KStars (pinch, tap-and-hold)
6. Decrease the apk size for Android version.
Status: DONE
Example commits:
Optimize Android package size
7. Fix a few KStars bugs from the KDE bug tracker.
Status: DONE
Example commits/reviews:
Bug fix: Fix the Android build
Bug fix: Mark the session list items on the skymap
July 9, 2017 - August 14, 2018
1. Make KStars translations available for KStars Lite on Android.
Status: DONE Example commits/reviews:
2. Add joystick control for the telescope to KStars Lite with speed options.
Status: WIP
Status: Not started