Project Overview
Project Name: Add educational activities to GCompris (In Qt Quick)
A Brief Description: My project aimed to create three new activities for GCompris:
1. Complete the Port of family activity. status: Completed.
2. Port of GTK+ submarine simulator. status: Implemented for level, 3 levels are remaining.
3. Port of Collision Activity using box2D physics engine. status: Layout has been designed, implementation is left.
IRC Nick: Nessaa
IRC Channels: #GCcompris, #kde-in, #kde-soc
This is awesome about GSoC: Everything about GSoC is pretty good. From working on a software that is actually used in real life, to actually contributing in Open Source community is amazing. Moreover, interacting with mentors and developers from all around the globe is priceless indeed!
This is what I learned during GSoC: Qt, Javascript and Box2D physics Engine