Calligra/Meetings/Mid 2009 meeting/Krita Notes
- Implement a write only iterator
- Synchronize rect iterator
- Cache tiles
- Filter on canvas: make it threadable, KisFilterHandler shouldn't have states
Krita scripting
- Write use case, and snippets (cyrille)
- Use cases for images (filters ? no painting), possibely a Summer of Code or JJ idea.
- Add text to the vector selection
Dynamic brush
- Only one sensor for one parameter
- have a "tilt" sensor
- cache generated mask, put interpolatedValueAt inside the mask generator loop? Experiment! Maybe put the rotation as a separate step, don't cache rotated/skewed masks
- changing the brush dimension by keyboard is not the same as changing the brush size by sensors
3D Brush
- canvas transformation
- model for tilt, brush position, tip deformed , breaking the brush handle? :)
- shadow model
- simulation of the bristles deformation not on canvas
- don't focus on the realistic visualization of the tip, focus on results of the paint
- bump mapping
- optimized version for OpenGL
- something for QPainter
- thickness of the paint, hmm