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KDE Visual Design Group/KCMs

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 21:08, 16 March 2016 by Colomar (talk | contribs) (Added Desktop Behavior KCMs)

Start page for the KCM redesign project


Frequency of use: 1 = Very frequenty ... 5 = very rarely

Need for optimization: 1 = very high ... 5 = very low

KCM Relevant for mobile? Frequency Optimization need Komplex widgets? Status
Look and Feel Yes (already there) 2 3 none Work on it - idea Live preview with plasma theme background icons on it cursor and color theme. same style than new plasma theme kcm. In addition show which KCM will be changed by the look & feel package (with live preview if possible) no changes but links to other KCM's
Desktop Theme Possibly 3 2 none Implemented for 5.7 old one was difficult to understand.
Cursor Theme No 3 3 none (?) new KCM is designed
Splash Screen Theme Unknown 4 5 none add change background color and preview in a bottom for accessibility reason
Colors Possibly 2 2 Color picker (Colors tab) simplify KCM to main colors and add the KCM as it is now to advanced mode. KCM is now for color scheme developers
Fonts Yes 3 4 Font picker no change needed
Font Management Possibly 2 4 rendering? not started. Is it really that much used
Icons Yes 2 3 none Show possibility of different sizes and how to add effects to icons.
Emoticons Yes 3 3 none Redesign done. move edit function to advanced mode.
Widget Style Possibly 3 4 Preview renderer Redesign done. better preview and edit to bottom
Window Decorations No 3 4 none Redesign done.
GNOME Application Style Possibly 2 4 none Not Started is it needed? Was not needed if the gtk stuff would work better in the other KCM's
Workspace Behavior no 4 5 none The one checkbox should be moved somewhere else and the KCM killed
Desktop Effects Possibly 3 3 inline video player Not started
Screen Edges No 3 4 Screen edge selection widget Not started
Screen Locking Yes 3 4 None Not started
Virtual Desktops Possibly 3 4 None Not started
Accessibility Possibly 1/5 2 None Would need input from a11y experts/users
Activities Possibly 3 3 None Not started