Krita/docs/meetings/2016 01 Deventer Sprint
2016 Krita Deventer Sprint
Preparations work
- List of bugs that need to be fixed in group (cannot be fixed by a single developer, need consultations and so on)
- How to set up a Mac dev environment (Boud and Dmitry)
- Group bug-fixing
- Planning for the Kickstarter
- Planning for Krita 3.0
- [DONE] Clean-up library mess (?). Library split after 3.0.
- New shortcuts. How to solve the problem?
- [DONE] warnKrita and dbgKrita policy. Now we don't see important messages, e.g. real warnings. And see too many messages in unittests. How to solve it?
- [DONE] opengl (first priority!!!)
- [DONE] Tags system and resources. People still report that their tags are lost/broken upon Krita restart/crash.
- Documentation for newcomers (users and developers)
- Bugs and tasks management. Should we make a bug-squad-team?
- Better communications what happens where. Probably, some official log? :)
Future projects
- GPU-based layers and painting tools. What should it look like?
- Cloud storage for Krita resources and configurations. Subscriptions?
- Scripting
- New brush engines. We need something really new. Known possibilities:
- Waterpaint brush
- Real paint engine (bumpmap + height + bristles)
- Quick brush (quick but not smooth when painting)
- Marker brush (quick, but opacity is not variable)
- Database of testing images from users. Is it worth it?