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Special:Badtitle/NS90:Talk:Kdenlive/Development/KF5/Make sure to set env variables correctly for home dir-based setups

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 20:09, 22 December 2015 by TheDiveO (talk | contribs) (added XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to access locally installed config files, otherwise getting new stuff won't work)

It is important to have especially the environment variable XDG_DATA_DIRS correctly set to point to the share dir inside the Kdenlive installation directories. The given standard paths for XDG_DATA_DIRS are typically /usr/share as well as /usr/local/share. So if you install Kdenlive to some other place, such as within your own home directory, make sure to add the path to your home-based share dir to XDG_DATA_DIRS before attempting to start Kdenlive. Failing to do so causes Kdenlive to crash in unexpected situations, such as when trying to select a transition in the timeline.

Here's a nifty little script that sets up the environment variables automatically, then fires up Kdenlive; place this script next to your kdenlive executable. And don't forget to make it executable (chmod u+x kdenlive.sh).

SCRIPT_NAME=$(readlink -f "$0")
export INSTALL_PREFIX=$(dirname "$SCRIPT_PATH")
echo "Environment set up for $INSTALL_PREFIX"

Edit: added missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting