KDE Visual Design Group/Music Player
See KDE HIG for guidelines on this design approach.
Bangarang Vision
(Selected from the pre-defined KDE personas)
- Susan, 34, Recreational user. While Susan seldom uses her computer for work, it has become an essential part of her social life. With her computer, she can be creative and spread this creativity in the world. She chats with her friends, shares music, playlists and other media, creates videos and uploads them to her web space, and runs a blog with her own style. She can't imagine a life without her laptop. Still, she is a fun person and does not want to worry about technical details. She expects her machine to work.
Command Structure
Content Structure
UI Patterns
Layout Design
Implementation Targets
- For the November 2014 project milestones, perhaps just the "container" design (top and bottom panels) can be implemented.
- The detailed module designs could perhaps be implemented as part of the longer term project goals.