Kexi/Junior Jobs/Small report improvements
< Kexi | Junior Jobs
Status: some ASSIGNED, Target: 2.9, Difficulty: EASY
Proposed and mentored by Jstaniek (talk) 08:09, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
The Goal
Smaller but important improvements in Kexi Reports. Often related to usability.
The Tasks
- [piggz][2.9] Add visible "value" property to all report elements. If an element has proper data source assignment, the value is ignored but otherwise it's displayed as "static" data. Example: value of boolean type for a check box.
- Report XML element name: report:value.
- For Image element, then "static-image" property seems to be acting as the value. Fix the following:
- Has the property ever worked (or is there regression?), setting image file does not work (master 2.9)
- Fix the use of ":lastVisitedImagePath" - it is displayed in the dialog when you click the "..." button
- Replace it with "value" but still load "static-image" property when report is opened, and save as "static-image" property too (special case for backward compatibility)
- [unassigned][2.9] improve the placeholders for elements in design mode: translate them too. ": field" is not quite good.
- In general follow what is practiced in Kexi Forms
- If there is "data source" property set, display it as text
- If there is no "data source" property set but "value" property is set, display its representation
- In case of Image Box display "image (unbound)" centered text as in the Image form widget
- [unassigned][2.9] when inserting lines by single click, the object is too small.
- [unassigned][2.9] Rename visible caption of "Check" to "Check Box", "Web" to "Web Page"
- [unassigned][2.9] Improve appearance of report check box element of style "Dot", it currently looks like a radio button, what is misleading: [1]
- [unassigned][2.9] Improve appearance of check box in tabular view when the value is NULL and Required == false: [2] -- the "?" mark is misplaced a bit
- [unassigned][2.9] Tables allow to set "Required" property to false, what means NULL values are allowed. When this is used with fields of boolean type, NULL values are presented using question marks (see [3]). In a report based on this table, it's not possible to see difference between NULL and false value: [4]. A mockup of how it should look like: [5]. Details: this should not be the default behaviour. Instead: add "tristate" boolean property to the check box report element, false by default, caption == "Tristate". If "tristate" is true, "?" marks should be visible for NULL values *if* data source is assigned.
- [unassigned][2.9] Use the dedicated data source combo box widget from forms 'data source' tab [6] in reports. The current data source combo in reports 'data source' tab has broken sorting and looks inferior [7] to what form offers. Also it does not offer keyboard access or completion.
- [unassigned][2.9] Change label for the data source combo in report designer's 'data source' tab from the hacky "Internal Source" to "Report's data source:" (making it similar to what forms shows).
- [unassigned][2.9] Improve HIG compliance. Change label related to the data source combo in form designer's 'data source' tab from "Form's data source" to "Form's data source:". Also in report designer's 'data source' tab change "Source Type:" to "Source Type:" and "External Source:" to "External source:".
- [unassigned][2.9] Inserting element by drawing a (x1, y2, x2, y2) rectangle where x1 > x2 or y1 > y2 fails. Element with default size is just inserted at (x1, x2). Add support for any combination of coordinates.
- [unassigned][2.9] Inserting element by drawing a (x1, y2, x2, y2) rectangle misbehaves when user exceeds any border.
- [unassigned][2.9] Inserting element by drawing a (x1, y2, x2, y2) rectangle select existing widgets the user draws over. This should not happen.
- Moving multiple selection isn't possible
- [unassigned][2.9] Multi-selection should also work when user presses left mouse button with Shift key. Another such click should unselect a widget.
- [unassigned][2.9] Pasted element(s) should be automatically selected, and previous selection should be cleared.
- [unassigned][2.9] Wish #339032 Add possibility of "Duplicating" current selection of report elements by dragging while Ctrl button is pressed. This already works in forms. Please visualize the dragging (in forms it's poorly visualized but the feature works). Duplicating is very similar to copy+paste. See an example for PowerPoint.
[assigned to r.wicik][2.8] Change default for background color to Qt::transparent in report elements. Just change from Qt::white.[assigned to r.wicik][2.8] Change default for background color to foreground palette color in report elements. Just change from Qt::black.[assigned to r.wicik][2.8] "background-opacity" property not visible in report elements.[assigned to r.wicik][2.8] "background-color" property not visible in report elements in preview mode and printouts.[assigned to r.wicik][2.8] "foreground-color" property not visible in report elements in preview mode and printouts.- [unassigned][2.9] Add "foreground-opacity" property to report elements.
- [assigned to MPtr][2.8] Add translation and hide some widget.
- [unassigned][2.9] Add "smoothing" (bool) property to the Image report element, see similar property of Image Box form widget's for more info.
- [unassigned][2.9] Replace "resize-mode" property of the Image report element with "scaled-contents" (bool) but still load "resize-mode" property when report is opened, and save as "resize-mode" property too (special case for backward compatibility), see similar property of Image Box form widget's for more info.
- [unassigned][2.9] Add "keep-ratio" (bool) property to the Image report element, see similar property of Image Box form widget's for more info.
- [unassigned][2.9] Add "background-color" (color) property to the Image report element, see similar property of Image Box form widget's for more info. Makes sense for images with alpha channels.
- [unassigned][2.9] Add "horizontal-align" and "veritcal-align" (Qt::AlignmentFlag) properties to the Image report element, see similar properties of Image Box form widget's for more info.
- [unassigned][2.9] Check if all property names and values are translatable. Use any non-english language for this.
- [unassigned][2.9] how m_image->m_resizeMode->setValue("Stretch") can work in krscriptimage.cpp?
- [unassigned][2.9] Kexi hangs in data view: assign table2.a to a checkbox in report6 (TODO(jstaniek): provide test file)