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Revision as of 17:38, 7 July 2010 by Halla (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'An increasing number of users are requesting tutorials for Krita. This page intend to make a list of what is needed in that area: List of really needed tutorials: * starting wit...')
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An increasing number of users are requesting tutorials for Krita. This page intend to make a list of what is needed in that area:

List of really needed tutorials:

  • starting with krita, this tutorial should show the basic, how to draw a line, apply a filter, etc... (see gimp in less than an hour or the Scribus tutorial for instance )
  • drawing with krita, this tutorial should show how to draw an image from scratch, using the various tools and paintop at the disposition of the user
  • photographic editing, a typical workflow, from contrast adjustement to noise removal

List of would be nice:

  • natural media painting
  • printing : how to achieve color fidelity, and the highest quality

Source of inspirations