Kexi/Junior Jobs/Add Close All Tabs command
< Kexi | Junior Jobs
Status: Done, Target: 2.9, Difficulty: EASY
Proposed and mentored by Jstaniek (talk) 19:45, 14 March 2014 (UTC)
The Goal
Implement "Close All Tabs" command for tabs of opened views.
When more tabs are open, closing one by one is a tedious job.
- There is "Close Tab" command already implemented, "Close All Tabs" would be similar:
- The command should be placed below the "Close Tab"
- The command should close all tabs without any question
- The command's caption should be translated (use i18n())
- The command should have no icon
- The command should be always enabled
- Starting point to look is implementation of Close Tab action in KexiMainWindowTabWidget