Kexi/Junior Jobs/Add translation and hide some widget properties
< Kexi | Junior Jobs
Status: todo, Target: 2.9
Proposed and mentored by Jstaniek Jstaniek (talk) 23:01, 10 March 2014 (UTC)
The Goal
Enable missing translations for some widget properties and hide some properties.
As for the above image, for Text Box,
- Hide properties:
- cursorMoveStyle
- Enable translation for properties:
- paletteBackgroundColor -> "Background"
- paletteForegroundColor -> "Foreground"
- placeholderText -> "Placeholder"
As for the above image, for Text Editor,
- Enable translation for properties:
- checkSpellingEnabled -> "Check Spelling"
- html -> "HTML"
- lineWrapColumnOrWidth -> "Line Wrap At"
- lineWrapMode -> "Line Wrap Mode"
- spellCheckingLanguage -> "Spell Checking Language "