Akademy infos in social media and blogs
You can follow the <a href="http://twitter.com/akademy">@Akademy account</a> on Twitter for program updates and other news about the conference.
The hashtag for the conference is #Akademy.
The Dot
<a href="http://dot.kde.org/">The Dot</a>, the official news channel of the KDE community, will have lots of Akademy-related article over the next couple of days and during the conference. You can subscribe to the <a href="http://dot.kde.org/rss.xml">RSS feed</a>.
Planet KDE
The aggregated blog of KDE contributors from all over the world can be found on <a href="http://planetkde.org/">Planet KDE</a>. You can also subscribe to the Planet's <a href="http://planetkde.org/rss20.xml">RSS feed</a>.