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Revision as of 00:55, 2 May 2013 by Sebas (talk | contribs)

This document describes the necessary steps towards Plasma Workspaces 2 running on Wayland.

Plasma Framework

Framework-based tasks that need completion before PW2:

status Action Method ! Developer
IN PROGRESS Plasma::Applet API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::Containment API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::Corona API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::DataContainer API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::DataEngine API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::Service API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::Theme API Review status <all>
IN PROGRESS Plasma::RunnerManager API Review status] <all>
IN PROGRESS Misc API Changes  More API Issues <all>

Not all relevant classes have been reviewed yet, this list might expand in the future.

Plasma Workspaces

status Action Method ! Developer
IN PROGRESS QML Porting Plasmoids and Containments to QML <all>
TODO Screen Locker Componentize Lock Screen <all>
TODO Screen Locker Port screen locker config to QML <all>
TODO Screen Locker Port Greeter Widget away from QGV <all>
TODO Shell Switching Create KWin effect for switching <all>
TODO Shell Switching Shell switching mechanism in plasma-shell <all>
IN PROGRESS Shell Switching kded Module to keep track of formfactor changes <Aaron>

