Plasma/libplasma2/API Review
< Plasma | libplasma2
Probably not all of them are still required:
- explicit Applet(QObject *parent = 0, const QString &serviceId = QString(), uint appletId = 0);
- explicit Applet(const KPluginInfo &info, QObject *parent = 0, uint appletId = 0);
- explicit Applet(QObject *parent, const QString &serviceId, uint appletId, const QVariantList &args);
- protected Applet(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
- private Applet(const QString &packagePath, uint appletId, const QVariantList &args);
To be removed
Those two in some qml binding:
- QPoint popupPosition(const QSize &s) const;
- QPoint popupPosition(const QSize &s, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment) const;
Needs to see what constraints are still valid and what not (probably just sizeconstraint invalid now)
- void updateConstraints(Plasma::Constraints constraints = Plasma::AllConstraints);
Completely obsolete:
- QFont font() const;
- bool shouldConserveResources() const;
- void showMessage(const QIcon &icon, const QString &message, const Plasma::MessageButtons buttons); (messagebox qml components)
Are those still applicable?
- bool destroyed() const;
- bool hasAuthorization(const QString &constraint) const;
In PluginLoader?
- static KPluginInfo::List listAppletInfo(const QString &category = QString(), const QString &parentApp = QString());
- static KPluginInfo::List listAppletInfoForMimeType(const QString &mimetype);
- static KPluginInfo::List listAppletInfoForUrl(const QUrl &url);
- static QStringList listCategories(const QString &parentApp = QString(), bool visibleOnly = true);
- void setCustomCategories(const QStringList &categories);
- QStringList customCategories();
- static Applet *loadPlasmoid(const QString &path, uint appletId = 0, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList());
- static QString category(const KPluginInfo &applet);
- static QString category(const QString &appletName);
- void releaseVisualFocus();
- void appletTransformedByUser();
- void appletTransformedItself();
- void messageButtonPressed(const Plasma::MessageButton button);
- void destroy();
- virtual void showConfigurationInterface();
- void showConfigurationInterface(QWidget *widget); probably still valid, but not qwidget based
- bool hasFocus() const;
- void setFocus(Qt::FocusReason);