< Digikam
digiKam Google Summer of Code 2013 Proposals
Auto Crop Tool
- Resume : In some users case relevant of photo workflow, as Panorama assembly for example, digiKam need an algorithm to detect black hole borders of image and crop it automatically, respecting the most largest suitable image area. No adjustment must be require by end user. As JPEG is the most used image format used in photography and as JPEG library support a loss-less crop feature, a specific way must be implemented to process JPEG crop in batch without to lose image quality.
- Dependencies : Batch Queue Manager, Image Editor.
- Bugzilla entries : 267436, 204135
- Skill : C/C++, Qt, Imagery
- Difficulty : medium
- Lead Mentor : ???
- Alternative Mentor : ???
Tags Manager
- Resume : Moving tags around in the small tags views from right or left digiKam sidebar can be fastidious, especially with a huge collection of items. A new dedicated windows must be created to manage all tags and relevant properties hosted by digiKam database. This tool must support drag and drop, multiple selections, copy/move operations, properties edition and duplication.
- Dependencies : digiKam core implementation
- Bugzilla entries : 263299
- Skill : C/C++, Qt/KDE, GUI
- Difficulty : medium
- Lead Mentor : ???
- Alternative Mentor : ???
Face Recognition
- Resume : digiKam already include face detection feature. The goal of this project is to add face recognition feature in digikam and will make it more user-friendly. The target is to implement a efficient face recognition algorithm and a nice user interface for the user so that they get a nice feeling using it and the user can train the system with their interaction.
- Bugzilla entries : 271679, 308642, 291514
- Dependencies : libkface, digiKam face management core
- Skill : C/C++, Qt, Imagery, math
- Difficulty : high
- Lead Mentor : ???
- Alternative Mentor : ???
HDR Composer
- Resume : digiKam already include a tool to make pseudo HDR image through ExpoBlending tool, based on align_image_stack and enfuse programs from Hugin project. This tool is limited to improve a litlle bit exposure latitude of images. It has creativity limitations and cannot reproduce nice HDR images, as Luminance HDR do. The goal of this project is to extend current ExpoBlending tool to add new advanced HDR worklflow..
- Bugzilla entries : 271679, 308642, 291514
- Dependencies : ExpoBlending tool
- Skill : C/C++, Qt, Imagery, math
- Difficulty : high
- Lead Mentor : ???
- Alternative Mentor : ???