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Gluon/GamingFreedom/Bug tracker

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 11:17, 11 January 2013 by JoJko (talk | contribs)

Warning: This is a temporary bug tracker for SOCS and gamingfreedom.org software in general! Follow guidelines to post a bug!

Example bug report

URL: http://gamingfreedom.org/whatever


Description: This is not working properly because... / I should expect...

Additional Info: I have also this to say about this bug...

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  • one
  • two
  • three
  • bug

Bug reports

Bug report 1: 

URL: http://www.gamingfreedom.org/gamelist.php

Severity: CRIT

Description: There are PHP Errors about wrong type variabe type of function stripshashes() in game list.

Additional Info: It should be fixed, this is critical error

Steps to reproduce the problem: Just open link and see a bug.

Screenshot: 48627056378909459804.png

Bug report 2: 

URL: http://www.gamingfreedom.org/game.php/id/6/title/GCI-Game

Severity: LOW

Description: When I’m scrolling screenshots in game preview, the rounded corners are not rounded.

Additional Info: It should be fixed by adding CSS overflow: hidden in the container of the carousel.

Steps to reproduce the problem: Open link, click on one of the carousel's navigation buttons and see corners of carousel while scrolling.

Screenshot: 70073761771769010529.png