Get Involved/Quality/Beta/4.10/DolphinInformation
Dolphin Metadata-Information
The Dolphin Information panel has been ported in RC2 to use nepomuk-widgets which is based on Nepomuk 2 (read, should be faster and less buggy). However as it is a change being merged very late into the release cycle we should test it to death. Below is a checklist with everything on the panel, that should be tested. It's mostly moving code, so all should be fine. However it's important to still make sure this is released tested as it has missed some of the testing cycle.
When you have tested something cross it off, by surrounding the line with < del > < / del> tags. If it's broken, or not perfect open a bug report and note down the bug number near the test.
(Note, this is a random list typed up by David E to give an example. Vishesh should review this and remove this line )
- Add a comment
- Edit a comment
- Remove a comment
- Deselect a file, check it shows folder information
- Check folder shows correct number of child files
- Edit a rating
- Check file modified date is correct
- Add a tag
- Edit multiple tags
- Remove all the tags
- Disable nepomuk, ensure behavior remains the same